Thursday, December 19, 2019

President Truman On Domestic Policy - 845 Words

Prior to watching the film series on President Truman I knew primarily that he had succeeded FDR, had made the decision to drop the Atomic bombs, and the iconic photo of the headline Dewey beats Truman. During his time as president, President Truman was roundly criticize by the American Public. Not only did he have the misfortune of assuming office from FDR one of the most popular American presidents but he also had to deal with the rebuilding of Europe, Tensions with the Soviet Union and a post war American Economy. However, with the passage of time history has been kind to Truman, and he, and the policies he implemented, and decisions he made are viewed more favorable. A primary reason for this is that many of the unpopular policies he implemented took time to be fully realized. Judging President Truman on Domestic Policy is extremely difficult because of the period he was president. He assumed Office during World War II and then had to deal with a Post War Economy and the start of a Cold War with the Soviet Union as well as the Conflict in Korea. He did however support and protect the New Deal Policies implemented by FDR, by enlarging Social security and a rise in Minimum wage. Additionally he desegregated the military, commissioned a federal review on civil rights and banned discrimination in the civil service. Based on the preceding I would have to give his domestic policies a B-. I would have to give President Truman an A+ on his foreign Policy as well as Leadership.Show MoreRelatedTaking a Look at the Cold War996 Words   |  4 Pagesand domestic policy for the next few decades and define the Cold War presidents. The Cold War presidents, Harry S. Truman, Dwight Eisenhower, John F. Kennedy, Lyndon B. Johnson, Richard Nixon, Henry Ford, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan and George H. W. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Is Digital Marketing the Way Forward in Marketing

Question: Write an essay on Is digital marketing the way forward in marketing?The essay question to be addressed through research and review of the contemporary literature inthe topic area: digital marketing. Answer: Introduction This paper shows and discover around the digital marketing as well as route of forward in the marketing. Many researches gave many views on it such as some said that digital marketing is a way forward, but some researcher said that they are unsure about way forward. So, we would present different researcher view about them. The main objective of this paper is to evaluate that digital marketing is the way forward for marketing or not in the current scenario. Indeed, digital marketing is a marketing which use the electronic devices such as computers, cell phone, tablets, smart phones and game consoles to involve with stakeholder. Digital marketing can through non internet channels such as SMS, TV, Radio, Social media, E-mail, Banner ads etc. Social media marketing is the part of digital marketing. Digital Marketing Institute defines the digital marketing as the use of digital channels to promote or use of market product and services to consumer and business purpose. The digital marketi ng term was used in the 1990 and its becoming more important for create a relationship with the consumer in the depth and relevant manner. (Kaufman Horton 2014) Digital marketing also called internet marketing but their actual position is different from it as digital marketing is related to targeted, interactive and measurable. Email marketing, SEO (search engine optimization), PPC (pay per click), social media, online advertising, affiliate marketing, text messaging, blogging news feeds and viral marketing are the elements of digital marketing. (Miller 2012) Indeed, forward way means the new approach or reinvent. Further, marketing is communicating the values of product and service for the purpose of the increase sales for specific product and services. Digital marketing tools such as email, internet, digital newspaper, T.V. and radio are interactive medium for marketing. These types of tools are able to target a particular market that firm wants to target for enhancing customers . Digital marketing the way forward or not in marketing The relationship between the digital marketing and way forward in marketing or not is described through literature review. This paper discuss about the digital marketing forward way structure. These are brief explanation about the literature of digital marketing that are following below:According to Lee, advertising is the most important way to increase performance of the firm. It is because advertising is an interactive process which exchanges the information of the firm to its customers. There are many components which increase scope of the digital marketing in the automotive industry such as IT sector. (Lee et al 2009) Ford motor made restructuring plan in 2006 which known as The Way Forward. Bucy also favor the perception of Lee and determine that use of digital marketing increase the performance of the organization. Knowledge exchange is the main elements which effects decision marking of the customers supports the organization to include innovation in their marketing strategies. Knowledge exchange became simple by digital marketing because it can gain the data about the firm product and services. Knowledge exchange or sharing is also supportive to the firm for improving their product and services if there is any mistake that raises problem to the customers. So, knowledge is becoming significant in global environment that also pressure the organization to develop effectiveness of their marketing strategies and scope of digital marketing. (Bucy 2004) Revere et al also support the Bucy perception and explains about digital knowledge management system. Digital knowledge management is significant to capture, distribute and apply the concept in the firm for their marketing p urpose. Therefore, digital knowledge management raises the scope of digital marketing in the automobile industry. It is because firm which is related to automobile industry have many features for their product to sale in the market. Customer cognition or knowledge is supportive to display information about the feature of their product or services effectively and efficiently. Customer can increase their cognition about product by digital marketing because it uses audio, video and other kinds of techniques to advertise the brands. (Revere et al 2007) According to Wymbs, social media is an effective to place wider scope for digital marketing. Social networking sites are supportive to create many benefits for the firm. It is because social sites support to advertising the brands and to reach their customers by sharing the data and idea in a cost effective manner. Further, digital marketing services would be improve with search engine optimization (SEO) which is significant to get correct solution. These correct solution are able to reach potential audiences in the cost effective manner that makes the firm financially strong. (Wymbs 2011) Organizations are using the digital marketing because it is an easy process to determine the technological features of the product as compare to traditional media sources. The beauty of digital marketing is the caliber to target and measure results so it is becoming effectives for any firms. In addition, Kiang depicted that online social media has changed through altering dynamic environment. It is also explains in this paper that effectiveness of online marketing media depends on the inputs of user community. Firms should follow customers and market trends carefully otherwise it would affect negatively on brand image of the organization. (Kiang et al 2000) Sharma said that digital marketing depicts to the marketing or promotion of products by the television, radio, internet etc. Digital marketing enhances the competitiveness for the firm through analyzing demand of the customers and to increase their satisfaction. Organization should use digital marketing system to convey the customers and try to maintain the relationship with them. (Sharma 2002) Globalization is the elements that increase the scope of digital marketing at worldwide. Globalization allows firm to extend their business operation from domestic market to international market. According to Prashantham, globalization raises the scope of digital marketing geographically in the international market. The firm can launch their products in the international market through using digital marketing. (Rhee 2001) At the same time digital marketing is an effective for the firm to provide information from several routes so it enables to offer huge variety product or services. Therefore, it is simple way to reach potential customers that is possible through digital marketing. It also plays an important role in many areas such as customer services sales, public relationship and information management. On the basis of literature review of digital marketing, we would discuss chief marketing officer (CMOs) perception about the way forward and they believes that digital media is way forward. The marketers all participant agreed that the digital marketing is the way forward. The general belief among the team member was that engagement, interactivity and measurability are making the marketers look at it far more seriously nowadays. When they used the digitally based on product life cycle their brands. Andre Campbell is the chief marketing manager in the Reliance Industries said that when all customers might not purchase online, they used digital way to be better informed. Andre Campbell said retail is all about value, growth, services and trust, but over the years this perception has been changed now and digital marketing supports to create a bound with the consumers. (Koleszar 2013) From the Andre Campbell statement we concluded that digital marketing is way forward in the marketing because earlier mostly used print marketing, but in the globalization chief marketing officer adopting digital advertising in marketing perspective. Reliance groups stated online buying opportunity through home delivery service. Customer need to pay when they got parcel in the hand about their desire product or services. Andre Campbell has good experience as well as marketing concern in the several organizations so its commitment and statement is valuable for marketing way forward concern. Further, Vivek Nayar the chief marketing officer at Mahindra Mahindra said that content is the key success of digital marketing because it allows multiple points for brand storytelling. Digital marketing has created consumer to strongest person for a brand. He presented some useful example to establish that digital marketing supports in better customers engagement and association. (Carver 2009) Mahindra Mahindra is a fastest growing company which uses new and creative product, technologies to explain market dominant with the use of internet. Mahindra Mahindra can use many design and process for the advertising of their product that can be done perfectively by digital marketing or media. So, creativity is also a factor which increases range of using digital marketing digital media. However, creativity is enhancing the field of digital marketing because Mahindra Mahindra want to advertise their new and creative products to a huge population in an effective route to raise its custom er oriented and market share. Further, Vivek Srivastav marketing head of Renault India said that digital marketing helps a brand to create affect and measure which cant be gained through traditional marketing such as print and mass marketing. Renault India provides features evaluation and online buying opportunity to their customer through sites. These sites and other internet sources are supportive to expand massage of the Renault India among customers and to create more opportunities. Therefore, a digital media system in the Renault India is helpful to increase customers experiences, facilities learning and to improve staff productivity. We need to book buy order online and they will provide home delivery of their product and services. In addition, Rajan Anandan is the chairman of the Internet and Mobile Association of India (IAMAI) noticed that India is the evidence of great increase in research online shop offline and at the same movement e-commerce sites are doing good level business. IAMAI said that online marketing is projected to reach Rs 2938 crore in 2014. India is the fast growing countries in the worldwide as well as digital marketing concern because India is rising in the education sector and people are using digital devices such as tablets, smart phone and phone which helps to connect social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter. So, Indian base organizations are using digital marketing and we can say that digital marketing way forward in the Indian market perspective. Further, approach or face of the digital marketing always changing such as fashion. (Koleszar 2013) We would discuss the digital marketing trends to evaluate the way forwardness in marketing. So, these are following trends which d escribe below: Google plus- a phenomenal rise: Google launched Google plus in 2011. This is very innovative creation of Google. Initial stage they had slow start, but soon people saw the potential of Google plus in the all over the world. There are 500 million users of Google plus and its user are expanding constantly. It can impact the marketing strategy due to 90 percent of worlds daily search traffic and single handed. (Puzhar 2014) Linked In- the way forward: it is first business networking tools which gained high momentum and constantly to perform excellent with the users expectation. Innovative blogs posts: Innovative blogs affects the business and attract the consumer to buy their product and service from market. When people use internet, then good blogs attract to buy their product or services. (Puzhar 2014) While some professionals view on the digital marketing that they are unsure about the way forward in the marketing perspective. Most of people accept that they wanted to adopt new idea or reinvent itself, but they dont know how to get it because only few people knew that how to get it. Research data says that 40 percent marketers know that they want to reinvent themselves, but only 14 percent people know that how to go about it. This research based on more than 1000 marketing professional qualified people in US. Further, 64 percent marketers wanted to change their role in upcoming years and 81 percent think that their role will change in next three years. But reinvention path still a challenges for marketers because around 30 percent of cited still facing lack of training in new marketing skills. (Sangameshwaran 2014) Furthermore, if we describe the marketers for further 12 months perspective from now. Then, we got that 54 percent of marketers said they must take more risk and 45 percent wanted to take more risk themselves. 65 percent said that they are comfortable to adopt new technology once they become part of the mainstream. However, marketers wanted to play safe game when they adopted new technology. Moreover, those marketers are highlighted which spend more than 25 percent of their marketing budget on digital marketing as compared to those are not spending more than 25 percent. High digital marketing spend capacity organizations are believe that they wanted to reinvent themselves to succeed as compared to low digital spend organization. High digital spend potential organizations are three times said that they know how to reinvent themselves as compare to low performance. (Greenberg Kates 2013) In addition, Chief Marketing Officer of Adobe Mr. Ann Lewnes said that the shift to digital require new technology, new approaches are totally new role for marketers and they are not familiar with them. The good news for marketers is to that they saw the change in front of them and they need to embrace figures or data. They focus on creating personalized experience and work across web, mobile channels and social. Most of marketers wanted to more data for focused to succeed, but 49 percent reported trusting my gut to guide someone else that where to invest their marketing budget funds. 72 percent marketers accept their long term success is jointed to providing marketing return on investment. Further, 74 percent marketers said that capturing and applying data to inform and force marketing activity is the new real world and 69 percent wanted to embrace hyper personalization with the use of data to provide services, right products and content at the right time. However, only 39 percent m arketers are using the consumer data and nature to shape marketing strategy in the last 12 months and 45 percent marketers made a plan to use more consumer data and behavior in the next 12 months. (Sangameshwaran 2014) Conclusion From the above discussion, it can be concluded that digital marketing raise the performance of the organization because it is faster and broader technique to negotiate with customer for distributing the information as compare to traditional marketing so it is becoming way forward of the marketing that is approved by many chief marketing officers such as Andre Campbell, Vivek Nayar, Vivek Shrivastav and Rajan Anandan through their experience of marketing fields. It is low cost and time consuming process which is quite healthy for organization to develop their effectiveness. It is helpful for marketing managers to identify the results of marketing. The forward way of marketing in business is also altering due to technology changes in market. Digital marketing is an efficient or effective advertising media as compare of others such as mass media, print media and social media etc. However, some professional person presented view about the digital marketing is not way forward in marketing so we would agreed with them. From the data, it is develop that previous advertising trend also plays significant role in advertising, but digital marketing has way forward capability to be an alternative of the efforts related to improvement in the marketing perspective. References Bampo, M, Ewing, MT, Mather, DR, Stewart, D, Wallace, M, 2008, The Effects of the Social Structure of Digital Networks on Viral Marketing Performance, Information Systems Research, 19 (3), p. 273290. Bird, D, 2007, Commonsense Direct and Digital Marketing, 5th ed, Kogan Page Publishers, London. Bucy, EP, 2004, Interactivity in Society: Locating an Elusive Concept, The Information Society, 20, p.373383. Carver, JM, 2009, CMO: Chief Marketing Officer Or Chief "marginalized" Officer, ProQuest, Michigan. Charlesworth, A, 2014, Digital Marketing: A Practical Approach, Routledge, London. Greenberg, E, Kates, A, 2013, Strategic Digital Marketing: Top Digital Experts Share the Formula for Tangible Returns on Your Marketing Investment, McGraw Hill Professional, New York. Harden, L, Heyman, B, 2009, Digital Engagement: Internet Marketing that Captures Customers and Builds Intense Brand Loyalty, AMACOM Div American Mgmt Assn, London. Kaufman, I, Horton, C, 2014, Digital Marketing: Integrating Strategy and Tactics with Values, A Guidebook for Executives, Managers, and Students, Routledge, London. Kiang, MY, Raghu, TS, Shang, KHM, 2000, Marketing on the Internet who can benefit from an online marketing approach? Decision Support Systems, 27 (4), p 383-393. Koleszar, WL, 2013, The Chief Marketing Officer Journal - Volume I,, Georgia. Lee, S.M., Kim, J, Choi, Y, Lee, SG, 2009, Effects of IT Knowledge and Media Selection on Operational Performance of Small Firms. Small Business Economy, 32, p. 241257. Lovett, J, 2011, Social Media Metrics Secrets, John Wiley Sons, New Jersey. Miller, M, 2012, B2B Digital Marketing: Using the Web to Market Directly to Businesses, Pearson Education, New Jersey. Pride, W, Ferrell, OC, 2014, Foundations of Marketing, Cengage Learning, Boston. Puzhar, 2014, Digital Marketing Way Forward: Trend For 2014-2015, view 21 January, 2015 Rhee, JH, 2001, Does Digitization Enhance Firm Competitiveness? E-Business Strategies Based On Information Processing Theory, Journal of E-Business, 1 (1), p 1-99. Sheth, JN, Sisodia, R, 2006, Does Marketing Need Reform?: Fresh Perspectives on the Future, M.E. Sharpe, New York. Sharma, A, 2002, Trends in Internet-Based Business-to-Business Marketing, Industrial Marketing Management, 31 (2), p 77-84. Sangameshwaran, P, 2014, Digital Marketing: Professional Unsure About Way Forward, Finds Study, view 21 January, 2015 Revere, D, Turner, AM, Madhavan, A, Rambo, N, Bugni, PF, Kimball, AM Fuller, SS, 2007, Understanding the Information Needs of Public Health Practitioners: A Literature Review to Inform Design of an Interactive Digital Knowledge Management System, Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 40, p 410421. Wymbs, C, 2011, Digital Marketing: The Time for a New Academic Major Has Arrived, Journal of Marketing Education, 33, p 93-106.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Principles of Communication free essay sample

PRINCIPLES OF COMMUNICATION Communication is a two-way process of giving and receiving information through any number of channels. Whether one is speaking informally to a colleague, addressing a conference or meeting, writing a newsletter article or formal report, the following basic principles apply: * Know your audience. * Know your purpose. * Know your topic. * Anticipate objections. * Present a rounded picture. * Achieve credibility with your audience. * Follow through on what you say. * Communicate a little at a time. * Present information in several ways. * Develop a practical, useful way to get feedback. Use multiple communication techniques. Read More: www4. uwm. edu/cuts/bench/commun. htm Analysis: PRINCIPLES OF COMMUNICATION When communication takes place, we must consider the different communication principles in order to establish a good relationship with the audience, especially when you’re delivering speeches in a conference. Every forms of communication, whether does have an intention. Therefore, persuading your audience/listener or the receiver of the message is your primary goal when communicating. We will write a custom essay sample on Principles of Communication or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page KNOW YOUR AUDIENCE. Order to start a good speech, the speaker must consider this first principle. In all panel discussions or in a conference, the speaker must know how to handle his/her listeners; it’s up to him how he’ll do it. Let’s take this situation as an example: A team of a certain NGO is conducting a seminar on how to do use condoms in Tondo, Manila. Group of plain housewives attended the seminar. Some of them have poor education, while others are much luckier than those who have not. Before the team started the lecture, they conducted a survey to everyone who attended the seminar. That’s their way of knowing their audiences. KNOW YOUR PURPOSE. What’s the purpose of the speaker in communicating? Primarily because he has a goal to be understood, a goal to share information to the audiences and to get something from those information he/she shared. For example: A pastor is having a biblical study together with the prisoners. He knows his audience, of course, but his purpose? Of course he knows it too. He is doing this because he’s a servant of God. He was meant for this mission. That was his purpose. KNOW YOUR TOPIC. The speaker must not be haphazard to the information he’ll share with his/her audience. It must be reliable. For example: A professor in biology is teaching in a class of nursing students. His topic is about the human anatomy. Before he teaches all the information to the class, he must first research all the necessary facts available. ANTICIPATE OBJECTIONS. Communication is complex. When listening to or reading someone elses message, we often filter whats being said through a screen of our own opinions. One of the major barriers to communication is our own ideas and opinions. For example: A speaker has finished his speech for the RH Bill advocacy. The audience was silent, but he can see the reaction through their faces that their minds were bursting with ideas. So he finally asks a question to them. â€Å"I am looking forward to all the objections and ideas available. After that question someone raises a hand and speak that breaks everyone’s silence. The speaker begins to answer the audience’s objection with a grin. PRESENT A ROUNDED PICTURE. Persuading the audiences/listeners when communicating is one of the most difficult yet challenging tasks to do. Plain words sometimes aren’t just enough because the audiences have different interests, so to be able to make persuasion of the audiences more effective, there must be a picture that will be presented by the speaker. Example situation: A professor is beginning to find out that one by one his students are getting bored to his subject. He did all his best to persuade them by using interesting words but it seems like it doesn’t make sense. So he think of a better idea, at the next meeting of their class the following week, he’ll bring rounded pictures to illustrate more to his students all the ideas he wants for his students to be understand. ACHIEVE CREDIBILITY WITH YOUR AUDIENCE. Aside from the goal of achieving the attention of the audience, the speaker must also achieve credibility. It’s important to the speaker. If he doesn’t achieve his credibility, his audience would no longer be interested to the things he’s saying. And that’s gauche. Example situation: A speaker who’ll be delivering a speech about the campaign in maintaining a green nation is about to deliver his speech. He finally stands in front of his audience, he dressed formally, he knows about his audience, he knows his purpose, his topic, even planned to anticipate objections and present a rounded picture about his advocacy. He smiles confidently, that’s his way of achieving the credibility with his audience. FOLLOW THROUGH ON WHAT YOU SAY. Information that is shared especially when in front of the audience must be consistent. Any topics that are unnecessary must not be included in delivering a speech. Example situation: A guest speaker from a prominent political clan on Pampanga was invited on a conference attended by the law students in the Polytechnic University of the Philippines was at the middle of delivering his speech that was related to politics, of course. The speaker must attain consistency in his speech. Any unimportant statements will eliminate the interest of the audience. COMMUNICATE A LITTLE AT A TIME. It is important to maintain a relationship with the audience, it’s a must. Example situation: A speaker is reading his speech but manages to look at his audience so that he would know whether his audience is getting something from him or not. PRESENT INFORMATION IN SEVERAL WAYS. Don’t make the ideas redundant. Example situation: The speaker uses different information from other references so that the audiences would be able to get something from other sources, not just depending on the available ones. DEVELOP A PRACTICAL, USEFUL WAY TO GET FEEDBACK. It’s always a pleasure for the speaker to know if his audience got something from the ideas he shared. The speaker must use this principle to be able to know that the audience learned from him. Example situation: The speaker uses cards given to the audience that’s indicating some ideas so the audience will share also what they learn to their fellows. USE MULTIPLE COMMUNICATION TECHNIQUES. It is the most essential principle needed to be used by the speaker. Communication techniques are the usage of technological devices, I think. Example: a speaker uses LCD Projector in discussing an issue. MISCONCEPTIONS OF COMMUNICATION Before considering definitions of communication, we should consider the misconceptions that those definitions will have to address. 1. Communication is Information Transfer The first myth is that communication is simply the transfer of information, just like a computer. This is part of what Theodore Roszak in 1986 called  The Cult of Information, where we assume that human beings behave just like computers as data processing machines. The fact is, we’re not machines. Our communicative behavior is much more complex. Part of that omplexity is the fact that we do not respond equally to the each message, even to the same message sent at different times in a different context. If we assume, therefore, that once we have sent a message, it will obviously be correctly received, we set ourselves up for communication failures. Communication is not about giving information. It is about exerting influence. Far from being guided by logic, it is guided by psycho-logic, to coin a phrase. The goal of communication is not simply telling, but acting, changing another person’s behavior through what we say to them. Example for this is that a teacher is teaching to his students. He’s giving information, but it doesn’t end there. He uses influence, that’s the teacher’s motivation to his students. 2. Communication failures can be solved by restoring the connection Mortensen: â€Å"The notion of gaps and breakdowns automatically portrays communicative activity as a directional and linear sequence of events-much like electronic impulses traveling from beginning to end in a telephone system or digital computer. Once this linear, one-way analogy is accepted, it is almost impossible not to think of communicative difficulties as a result of some malfunctioning that occurs along the line. To correct a breakdown, one is tempted to search for the part or element that needs repair, much as a telephone repairman looks for a break in circuits along a row of telephone lines (Smith, 1970). Even worse, communication tends to be defined in all-or-nothing terms: Either the system works or it does not; the signals arrive at their destination, or they are blocked somewhere along the line. † The general concept of the communication gaps are compared to electronic pulses of a telephone system or a digital computer by Mortensen. If we assume that communication is simply the transfer of information, then all we need to do to solve it if repair the open circuit, plug back into to the network, tune the signal. Example for this is when two people are chit-chatting through the phone and then one person on the line loses the connection. That was meant on this misconception of communication. 3. Communication is either on or off Again, if communication is information transfer, when it fails, it must fail completely. No signals can sneak through a broken network connection. However, human communication can’t be turned off so easily. Some messages, perhaps unintentional, still exert some influence. In a sense we can never have a communication failure—some message is communicated even if it is not the one the speaker intended. Mortensen: â€Å"Running through the previous quotations about communication breakdown is an implicit and mistaken notion that â€Å"no† communication occurred. Supposedly, whenever people fail to arrive at an identical point of view, we can merely assume that they have-almost by definition-â€Å"failed to communicate. † . . . . Communication does not necessarily stop simply because people stop talking or listening. In this misconception of communication, it is stated here that when people transferring information fails to do it, communication completely fails. The truth behind this misconception is that, even if people stop talking, it doesn’t all ends there. They can communicate verbally or non-verbally to be able to share information. They can exert influence in this. Example for this one is: two students were told by their professors to keep their mouth shut and then the professor moved them in separate places. The professor thinks that the he finally ended the noisy interaction between those students. But, actually it’s not. The two students kept on blinking each other’s eye. 4. Communication is passive If communication is information transfer, it doesn’t take much active effort. We have come to regard communication as passive. We simply send our messages and let them take their course, never bothering to reinforce them or check to see if they were received. When we begin to see communication as exerting influence, we can see it is hardly a passive matter. We have to actively attend to the messages we send. We have to be conscious of the unintentional messages we give out that may betray our unguarded intent. We begin to manage our communication strategically, making sure we make the most of the messages we send. We must overcome what  George Orwell called â€Å"the half-conscious belief that language is a natural growth and not an instrument which we shape for our own purposes. †Ã‚   The belief that communication is static, is a totally misconception. But as the example’s definition stated it depends specifically if its info transfer, it doesn’t take active effort. Example for this is: when the students doesn’t ate their lunch even if it’s 12 yet they had a continuous class, their professor kept on sharing information but they kept silent. . Communication success is defined in legal terms Two and a half millennia ago,  Plato described three different kinds of communicators as three different kinds of lovers. The evil lover is concerned only about  himself  and abuses the audience to get what he wants. The neutral lover is like our legal-minded communicator; he gives the bare facts with no care for the ultimate outcome. The best communicator, Plato argues, is like the noble lover who, overcome with a divine madness, does all he can to get his message across for the sake of the audience. Giving the facts is not enough. We have to change the way people work and think. This misconception comes out of the litigious world we live in. We may assume that once we have formally communicated, we have met our legal obligations to get a message across and therefore have no further obligation to communicate. If our purpose in communicating is only to meet some legal standard, this assumption would be correct. But if our purpose is to change someone’s behavior, this assumption falls far short of effective communication. for example: the speaker is responsible for making communication his priority. 6. If human communication is like machine communication, humans must be like machines. Roszak has pointed out that one problem of assuming that machines â€Å"think† like humans is that it leads us to think that humans â€Å"think† like machines. One of the major liabilities of the data processing model of thought is the way in which it coarsens subtle distinctions in the anatomy of the mind. The model may do this legitimately in order to simplify for analytical purposes; all scientific models do that. But there is always the danger—and many computer scientists have run afoul of it—that the model will become reified and be taken seriously. When that happens on the part of experts who should know better, it can actually falsify what we know (or should know) about the way our own minds work. There we discover the riskiest ideas of all. Yet they may also be the richest and most fruitful. For there we find what might be called the master ideas—the great moral, religious, and metaphysical teachings which are the foundations of culture. Most of the ideas that occupy our thinking from moment to moment are not master ideas; they are more modest generalizations. But from this point forward I will be emphasizing master ideas because they are always there in some form at the foundation of the mind, molding our thoughts below the level of awareness. I want to focus upon them because they bear a peculiarly revealing relationship to information, which is our main subject of discussion. Master ideas are based on no information whatever. I will be using them, therefore, to emphasize the radical difference between ideas and data which the cult of information has done so much to obscure. * Let us take one of the master ideas of our society as an example: â€Å"All men are created equal. The power of this familiar idea will not be lost on any of us. From it, generations of legal and philosophical controversy have  arisen,  political movements and revolutions have taken their course. It is an idea that has shaped our culture in ways that touch each of us intimately; it is part, perhaps the most important part, of our personal identity. To see communication as data transfer can lead to the assumptions that humans should be treated as machines to solve human communication problems. Read More: www. shkaminski. com/Classes/ /Definitions%20of%20Communication. htm Submitted by: Kathleen v. maranan Bcr 2-2

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Short stories free essay sample

Examines theme of individual confronting society in three short stories. Red Convertible ( Louise Erdrich ), Bartleby the Scrivener (Herman Melville ) AP ( John Updike ) (more)

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Governing document of the United States Essay Example

Governing document of the United States Essay Example Governing document of the United States Paper Governing document of the United States Paper There is no right to healthcare, at least not in the sense that there is a right to freedom of speech or freedom of religion. It is not an enumerated â€Å"right† in the Constitution or in the Bill of Rights. However, the Supreme Court has held that the rights listed in those documents is not meant to be inclusive all rights and that other rights could exist and be added as time progresses. Furthermore, whether it is a listed right in the governing document of the United States, it is reasonable to assume that we have implied a right to healthcare for our citizens by creating ever-growing social programs to provide healthcare since the advent of Social Security. : And, as the last industrialized nation in the world that does not provide universal healthcare, it is the shame of a nation that a growing number of citizens do not have access to basic health necessities. Moreover, the right to healthcare should probably be viewed as a fundamental human right, as a necessary part of the freedom to live. The simple truth of the matter is that the American health care system is the best in the world. We have the technology and facilities and health care professionals needed to see that every man, woman and child in the country has access to healthcare. The problem appears to be in the distribution of these facilities and professionals and the cost of the technology.   And, the secondary consideration is how much health care is enough? At some point the determination must be made of how much healthcare people have a fundamental right to expect. This may, in fact, be a place where having access to the best medical care in the world is a drawback and not an advantage.   Where do we draw the line between what is necessary healthcare and what is luxury? For example, if an 84-year-old woman from a family that generally lives well into their 90s needs rotator cuff surgery, should she have as much of a right to the surgery as a 40-year-old man who needs the same surgery to do his job?   Should expensive treatments or experimental drugs be covered in a basic health plan that covers everyone in the nation? Or, should the health plan only cover the most basic needs, like immunizations and wellness checkups? The answer lies somewhere in between.   It is not financially feasible for the government to provide unlimited access to healthcare for all the citizens of the country. Other countries have tried and often find their more wealthy citizens seeking out health care in the United States rather than wait for access to the needed healthcare in their own country. The fine balance between capitalism and socialized medicine is a difficult one. The government must still encourage capitalism among drug companies and doctors as the competition leads to progress in medical care. However, the government must also control the rising costs of health care so that it can afford to provide universal health care. So, who gets to decide what coverage the average citizen is entitled to and where the limits apply?   Who decides what health care is necessary and what is frivolous? And, if we have socialized medicine, and some medical treatment is considered a luxury, would it not simply create and even more two-tiered for health care than already exists? If some health care is considered a luxury, is it not even more a case of the haves and have nots than currently faces Americans. And, does that mean we value the lives of young more than those of the old or the lives of the rich more than the lives of poor? The reality is that a commission of medical professionals such as though who currently determine what Medicare covers could be put in charge of determining what health care people have a right to. The only fair way to provide health care would be to provide each and every citizen with whatever health care they need. However, this kind of a requirement places a responsibility of the citizens that goes hand in hand with the rights. If there is a right to health care, an inherent responsibility to try to do everything we can to make our lives more comfortable, healthy and lengthy, then there is a universal responsibility to pay for the health. Countries which have universal health care pay taxes considerably higher than Americans are used to paying. In short, there may be an inherent right to healthcare, but if so, it comes with a deep responsibility to every taxpayer to work to fund the system. This is in many ways what is wrong with the current proposals in California and Illinois for healthcare for all citizens. The proposal seek to extend healthcare to the working poor, and the unworking poor, but make no provisions to be certain that those people pay a share of the expense. One way to deal with this might be a system similar to Switzerland’s where the country provides healthcare for everyone but there is a cost to each citizen. Those who do not pay their share face criminal charges and jail time.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Ricardo and Marx both had theories of a falling tendency of the rate Essay

Ricardo and Marx both had theories of a falling tendency of the rate of profit in the development of capitalism. What were the different theoretical bases for t - Essay Example It ws, rther, the expression under cpitlism of the incresed productivity of lbour. ccording to Mrx, lw of the tendency of the rte of profit to fll (LTRPF) is theory developed by Mrx in the third volume of Cpitl to explin the occurrence of economic crises within cpitlist economies. ccording to the LTRPF, s cpitlists invest in ever more cpitl-intensive production, the rte of profit flls, since profit cn only be generted from the surplus vlue extrcted from living lbor, which is declining proportion of the cpitlist's outly. However, securing lrger shre of the mrket offsets the lower rte of profit for the individul cpitlist. Eventully the flling rte of profit wekens the incentive to ccumulte on the prt of the cpitlists until eventully the mss of profit begins to stgnte. t tht point n economic crisis begins s cpitlists decline to invest. The LTRPF explins long-term fluctutions in cpitlist economies. There my be long periods of expnsion before the LTRPF ffects the mss of profit, during which the effects of the LTRPF cn be offset by vrious countercting tendencies, such s lower wges nd incresed intensity of exploittion in the lbor process. Eventully, however, there will be period of stgntion nd crisis in which lrge proportion of existing cpitl is destroyed before reinvestment nd renewl cn strt over gin (see Shikh 1991). The importnce of the LTRPF for Mrxist poli... The LTRPF ws of prticulr significnce in this regrd in the 1970s nd 1980s, when it ws widely rgued, nd sometimes ccepted on the Left, tht the economic crisis nd unemployment of the time resulted from excessive wge demnds tht hd generted infltion. Proponents of the LTRPF could mintin tht economic crises would occur even if workers ccepted the cpitlists' clls for wge cuts. If it is ccepted tht the LTRPF is inherent in cpitlist economies, nd tht crises re unvoidble, then the only wy to prevent further crises is to remove the constrints of cpitlism (see Hrmn 1984; Mndel 1981). Citing Mrx in the Cpitl, "the progressive tendency of the generl rte of profit to fll is, therefore, just n expression peculir to the cpitlist mode of production of the progressive development of the socil productivity of lbour. This does not men to sy tht the rte of profit my not fll temporrily for other resons. But proceeding from the nture of the cpitlist mode of production, it is thereby proved logicl necessity tht in its development the generl verge rte of surplus-vlue must express itself in flling generl rte of profit. Since the mss of the employed living lbour is continully on the decline s compred to the mss of mterilised lbour set in motion by it, i.e., to the productively consumed mens of production, it follows tht the portion of living lbour, unpid nd congeled in surplus-vlue, must lso be continully on the decrese compred to the mount of vlue represented by the invested totl cpitl. Since the rtio of the mss of surplus-vlue to the vlue of the invested totl cpitl forms the r te of profit, this rte must constntly fll." (Krl Mrx, Cpitl Volume 3, chpter 13) In nutshell, this lw sttes tht the tendency of the socil cpitl to